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Flinn Foundation



Improving the quality of life in Arizona to benefit future generations.

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Programs & Services

The Flinn Foundation Bioscience Entrepreneurship Program offers early-stage Arizona bioscience firms an opportunity to receive $30,000 in non-dilutive funding through a nonprofit partner and a robust package of benefits.

To be eligible for the Flinn Foundation Bioscience Entrepreneurship Program, an entity must be a bioscience firm engaged in the commercialization of bioscience research and biotechnology and/or the sale of products in the areas of:

  • Medical devices and equipment

  • Drugs, pharmaceuticals and diagnostics

  • Agricultural feedstock and chemicals

  • Research, testing and medical labs

  • Bioscience-related distribution

Prerequisites or Exclusions

Applicants must meet the eligibility requirements noted above.

Getting Connected

Visit their website to see upcoming events and opportunities for entrepreneurs. 

Primary Contact

brian ellerman.jpg

Additional Information

PO Box 1214

Tucson, Arizona


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