Downtown Tucson Partnership
Downtown Tucson is a downtown for everyone – the region’s eclectic urban hub, where people come to connect, be authentically inspired, prosper, and celebrate diversity.
Programs & Services
The Downtown Tucson Partnership, or DTP, is a nonprofit, 501 (c)(6) corporation created in 1998 to implement enhanced municipal services for the downtown Business Improvement District (BID). Properties and businesses located within the BID are subject to enhanced services including clean and safe initiatives, beautification, economic development initiatives, marketing, placemaking, and advocacy for projects and resources that support a vibrant and sustainable downtown.
Prerequisites or Exclusions
The DTP service area is geographically limited to the BID.
Getting Connected
Stay connected with downtown and the DTP by signing up for DTP email updates! DTP publishes two regular email updates: The Weekend Report lists dozens of downtown events and business specials occurring on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, and is sent out weekly each Thursday morning. The CEO Update, by DTP President & CEO Kathleen Eriksen, provides in-depth updates about the work of DTP, downtown business news, partner news, downtown events, resources and much more. The CEO Update is sent out every two weeks on Friday mornings.
Primary Contact
Zach Baker
Additional Information
In 2021, the Downtown Tucson Partnership contracted Denver-based consulting firm, Progressive Urban Management Associates, to assist in developing a new strategic plan to guide the organization’s evolution through COVID-19 recovery and over the next five years. DTP will work in collaboration with its many partners to move forward the vision and goals for Downtown Tucson expressed in this plan. The plan was informed by input from DTP staff and Board of Directors, along with broad community feedback, current market trends, impacts from COVID-19, and best practices from downtown management organizations. To read the full plan visit